
Tourist guy: How will we know when we get to the beach?
Bus driver, staring at him: I think you’ll figure it out.

–Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

Overheard by: SYDNEYGUY

Elderly man, taking picture of his wife on the beach: You look like you're having an orgasm!
Wife: How would you know?

–Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida

Overheard by: The girl who almost ended up in the picture.

Mom (to son #1): That's not all you're carrying! Take more. (to son #2) Good job, genius, you got sand in the cooler! (to both sons) Say goodbye to the beach, you'll never see it again.

–Belmar, New Jersey

Overheard by: Mikey

Little boy: I like pizza!
Older guy: Me too.
Little boy: I eat pizza in a garbage pail!

–Sun & Surf Beach Club, Atlantic Beach, New York

Overheard by: Kristen

Toddler pointing to cotton candy: I want that ice cream!
Mom: That’s not ice cream.
Toddler: What is it?
Mom: That’s insulation. It’s for your attic.

–Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Overheard by: Aaron

Drunk New Year’s reveller, at 5 AM: Morning has broken, like the first…
Girlfriend: Shut up!

–Bondi Beach, Australia

Overheard by: GGary

Daughter: Thanks for giving me an aneurysm, Mom.
Mother, under her breath: I wish I’d given you an aneurysm.
Daughter: What?
Mother: Nothing, dear.

–Sea Isle City, New Jersey

Overheard by: Cols

Tween #1: So, like, what did you eat in Africa?
Tween #2: Like rice and stuff.
Tween #1: Like white rice or brown rice?
Tween #2: White rice.
Tween #1: Like, ew. You can get so fat from that! Oh my God, is that why those Africans in those picture you have, have huge bellies?
Tween #2: You are beyond retarded!

–Second Beach, Newport, Rhode Island

Baggy-Pants boy #1: I don’t take off my shoes at the beach.
Baggy-Pants boy #2: How are you going to walk in the water?
Baggy-Pants boy #1: I’ll just keep them on. Is there a law that says you have to be barefoot in the ocean?
Baggy-Pants boy #2: No. But there’s a law that says if you do that, you’re gonna look like a jackass.

–Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida

Overheard by: Lesley

Girl on bike to family on bikes, loudly: I said my arse hurts and he said “mine doesn't, I'm good at taking it!”

–Rottnest Island, Western Australia

Overheard by: Victoria