Sensory Experiences

[Guy on Harley drives by with Pat Benatar’s “Love Is a Battlefield” blasting.]Chubby girl #1: What the hell?
Chubby girl #2: That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

–Bookfair, St. Petersburg, Florida

Overheard by: Jamie

Little girl to mom: The seaweed tickles! It's like Baby Jesus is underwater, tickling my feet himself!

–Vero Beach, Florida

Overheard by: Incredulous

Guy: This tastes like nuclear horse piss!

–Jones Beach Theater, New York

Man, walking with friend on pier, pointing at full moon reflecting water: In Hawaii, you see the stars reflecting in the water.

–Coney Island Boardwalk, New York

Overheard by: Janelle

Biker's lady to biker: He had this plastic bag of poison ivy and was rubbing it on his face…

–Point Pleasant, New Jersey

20-something girl: Guys, did you see the man in the woman's swimsuit over there?
Teen girl #1: Yeah, yeah, I saw him…
20-something girl: He has man legs…
Teen girl #1: But from a distance he could totally pass as a flat chick.
20-something girl: He can really pull it off, too. He has the hat and the glasses and everything.
Teen girl #2: Where's the tranny man? I want to see the tranny man!

–La Jolla, California

Overheard by: La Jollan

(in line at a grocery checkout)
Guy: I'm really excited about watching more movies, old ones and new ones. (pause) Now that I've got my soul back.

–Huntington Beach, California

(a convertible full of half-naked frat boys is stopped at a light)
Frat boys in unison: Marijuanamarijuanamarijuana!

–Panama City, Panama

Stoned girl #1: You know what's awesome? If you look up, you see the moon and the stars, and it's like you're looking at space.
Stoned girl #2 (munching Parmesan crackers): Whoooaaa.

–Saint Petersburg, Florida

Overheard by: i was stoned and it sounded cool at the time, too.

Blonde in bikini #1: She said she made eye contact with it three times.
Older man reading magazine: It was a five-year-old. That's what kids do.
Blonde in bikini #2: It was definitely not a five-year-old.

–Scarborough Beach, Rhode Island