
Small boy gazing in awe: All the tooshie…

–Caroline Bay, Timaru, New Zealand

Overheard by: [LadyFlash]

Bald man to baby on blanket (in baby voice): Do you have somethin' to say? Are you thinkin'? Are you thinkin'? Yes you are.
Woman next to him: He's pooping.
Bald man: Are you poopin'? Are you poopin'? Yes you are!

–Sunset Beach, North Carolina

Overheard by: Emma

Little girl to mom: The seaweed tickles! It's like Baby Jesus is underwater, tickling my feet himself!

–Vero Beach, Florida

Overheard by: Incredulous

Young boy, to buxom woman: Are those balls in your bathing suit?

–Reservoir, Arlington, Massachusetts

Overheard by: TC Ledger

Little boy: Hey! What’s your name?

Little girl walking along shore doesn’t look at him.

Little boy: Hey! What’s your name?!

Little girl looks at boy but continues walking.

Little boy: What’s your name?! What’s your naaaaame?!
Mother of girl: It’s Jade.

Mother whispers to girl and points in boy’s direction, but girl continues walking in other direction.

Surfer dude: Yeah, kid, you can only expect more of that as you get older.

–Pomano Beach, Florida

Kid #1: Mama, have you seen the bad guy?
Mom: Not today.
Kid #1: Is he here?
Mom: I don’t think so, no.
Kid #2: Where is he?
Mom: Well, if you don’t look for him, you’re not gonna find him!

–Malibu, California

Overheard by: Jessica B.

Mother to five-year-old son: If anything happens get help from a lifeguard. Mommy's gonna be at the bar.

–Blizzard Beach, Disney World, Florida

Mom: Honey, what are you doing?
Daughter: Going under the umbrella, because I don’t want my butt to get parched.

–Jones Beach, New York

Overheard by: Kara

Frantic Italian woman to toddler walking along shore: Stay away from the waves! Stay away from the waves!

–Seawatch Beach, Manasquan, New Jersey

Overheard by: Mimi

Boy: I told my mom I wanted to be a pirate, and she got really pissed at me and told me they rape and kill and pillage!

–Ocean City Beach, Maryland