
Young child, chasing friends: The only way to kill fish is by using acid! The only way to kill fish is by using acid!

–Jetty, South Australia

Girl #1: I was talking to Jess* the other day. She’s been home for a while.
Girl #2: Isn’t she a lesbian now?
Girl #1: Yeah, she was with her girlfriend, Michelle, who was really nice and really hot.
Girl #2: So, Jess is like the boy, right?
Girl #1: No. They are both girls.

–St. Kilda Beach, Australia

Overheard by: one of those lesbians who dates boys

Boy: I think what you just said is racism.
Biotech: I’ll give you racism, you black bitch.

–Williamstown, Melbourne, Australia

Overheard by: knee coal

Girl to two guys: Do you guys have a spare cigarette?
Guy #1: Yeah, here ya go. (gives her a cigarette)
Girl to guy #2: How about you?

–St. Kilda Beach, Melbourne, Australia

Overheard by: lorax

Lady on cell: And sushi (points at her chihuahua) stops to look for you, but I tell her you're at work and she laughs.

–Tamarama Beach, Australia

Overheard by: GGary

Guy with thick European accent: What, you don’t like my muscles? You want me to wear long-sleeved shirt?
Friend: Uhhh, yes…

–Sydney, Australia

Overheard by: anny

Girl: Mummy, do you have a hairy pee?
Mummy: Make sure you never ask that again, especially when we have guests over for dinner.

–Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia

Overheard by: ohgodhaha

Unshaven surfer on cell: No, no, no! Do you want me to bring Schnitzel?

–Bondi Beach, Australia

Drunk college boy: Come get drunnnk!
Sober college girl: Nah I have a massive exam tomorrow, I gotta study.
Drunk college boy: Study… Like a fish.

–Gold Coast, Australia

Fake tanned, bleach blonde woman loudly into phone: I mean, have you seen Alice lately? Forget the Brazilian wax, she needs to have the whole South American!

–Manly Beach, Sydney

Overheard by: anotherpassenger