Tan guy jogger listening to iPod, shouting: Happy birthday!
Fit lady jogger listening to iPod, shouting: Thanks!
–Bondi Beach, Australia
Overheard by: GGary
Tan guy jogger listening to iPod, shouting: Happy birthday!
Fit lady jogger listening to iPod, shouting: Thanks!
–Bondi Beach, Australia
Overheard by: GGary
30-something woman to friend: Was it g-genital problems?
–Ocean City, Maryland
Overheard by: Kelly
Jogging man to jogging woman: I still have a jiggling six-pack.
–English Bay, Vancouver, Canadia
Overheard by: if it's jiggling, it ain't no six-pack
Overweight woman chasing squirrley eight-year-old on the beach: Get over…boy! You get…boy! Boy! You lucky I can't run fast in this sand!
–Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, California
Overheard by: Go Kid Go!
40-something woman: You're from Turkey? What language do they speak there?
Turkish guy: Uh… Turkish.
40-something woman: There's a language called Turkish? Really? Do a lot of people speak it?
Turkish guy: Well, yeah, more than a thousand years ago in central Asia…
40-something woman, interrupting: Chinese people speak Turkish? I didn't know that!
–Vancouver, Canadia
Shopping woman #1: I really like the crabs.
Shopping woman #2: Oh, me too. The crabs are great.
–Duck, North Carolina
Overheard by: Better you than me
Young dude with skateboard: Yeah, so I love it out here so far. This is my first year here, I just moved from New Hampshire.
Middle aged lady in short gym shorts: Oh, that's nice… Is that in Maine?
Dude: Uh… Well, it's by Maine…(motioning) Here's New Hampshire, here's Maine.
Lady: Oh, so New Hampshire's a state on its own? Oh my gosh, I feel like I should know that!
–Long Beach, California
Overheard by: Vanessa
40-year-old woman to friend: Yeah, they told me I can only have solid liquids for a week.
–Miami Beach, Florida