
Loud high school girl: I was walking down the beach and I saw this girl with the fattest vagina! It was like balls!

–Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts

Three-year-old playing kitchen, to adults: Does anyone want a taste of my spicy vagina?

–Lake George, New York

Stoned nerd (talking about his sub order): I've got six inches!
Stoned girl: Lucky. I got the lesbian choice, a fuckin' sandwich. Cuz the sandwich is like a vagina and the sub is like a dick, ya know?
Stoned nerd: No, I totally understand. And I'm okay with that.

–Wawa, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Guy #1: What I can’t understand is, $5,000 an hour for a hooker? How good can pussy be?
Woman #1: And where did he get that kind of money on a public official’s salary?
Guy #2: He could have cruised tenth avenue and gotten the same poontang for twenty bucks.
Woman #2: I don’t have to worry about Frank going to hookers. He won’t even use a bottle of ketchup if it’s already been opened.

–Italian Restaurant, Long Beach, New York

Overheard by: Big Larry

Fiftyish guy to wife: Just for that, I’m not gonna eat your pussy tonight.

–El Cid, Cozumel, Mexico

Drunk girl #1: Oh my god, now I know what you mean about hooking up on a beach.
Drunk girl #2: What?
Drunk girl #1: The sand…it gets everywhere!
Drunk girl #2: Oh yeah, it is like all in my hair and my purse.
Drunk girl #1: No… I mean *everywhere*.
Drunk girl #2: What?
Drunk girl #1: I have sand in my vagina!

–Naples, Florida

Little girl: No, no, no. Mommy calls her vagina a monkey.

–St George Island, Florida

Overheard by: say what?

Drunk teen guy: If I had a vag, I'd totally stick drugs and shit up there!

–Lavalette, New Jersey

Overheard by: I have one, but I don't

Girl: Oh my god, the water is so cold! I think my vagina is numb.
Guy: I hate when that happens.

–Grand Haven, Michigan

Overheard by: Lisa

White girl: So, what are you doing in Miami?
Black guy: We’re here for the pussy.

–South Beach, Miami, Florida