
Ugly overweight girl in unflattering bikini: Guys don't like you anymore after you've had sex with them.

–Belmar Beach, New Jersey

Drunk sunbather: Have I told you I hate kites? I just hate them. They make me want to vomit. Also, I don’t like adjectives, so don’t call this a ‘tasty sandwich.’

–Jones Beach, New York

Overheard by: pole

Guy: Why did you tell *Veronica that I had a small dick?
Girl: Because you do.
Guy: You could have at least told her I know how to use it.
Girl: You don’t!

–Discovery Bay, California

Betty Ford dropout: I hate it when you close your eyes and you feel the alcohol, but when you open them you don't.

–Ocean City, New Jersey

Overheard by: Danny

A group of pedestrians is almost run down by several cyclists.

Girl #1: Are we walking on the bike path?
Girl #2: Yeah.
Girl #1: God, I hate us.

–Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Overheard by: Aaron Johnson

White trash mother to crying infant: Would you stop being such an asshole? Jesus, you’re just a selfish bastard like your father.

–Scarborough Beach, Rhode Island

Overheard by: girl in bikini pretending to read

Conservative mom on cell: Julia, you just can’t bring your kids here and let them swim naked… What? Yes, Julia, it’s illegal.

–51st Street, Ocean City, Maryland

Overheard by: Unexpecting Beach Reader

Teen: You guys went to bed at 11:30, what's wrong with you?

–Beach Lake, Pennsylvania

Girl #1: It tastes like soap!
Girl #2: Yeah, but not unpleasantly so.

–Adelaide, Australia

Ditz #1: I would love to be a Buddhist.
Ditz #2: Yeah, it’s really spiritual.
Ditz #1: Yeah, all the meditating and stuff…
Ditz #2: Yeah…
Ditz #1: … But not a full Buddhist — that would be boring.
Ditz #2: Yeah, just do it for the yoga and stuff.

–Jetty Road, Glenelg, Australia