
Girl #1: There are so many pale, fat guys here in Speedos.
Girl #2: It’s like they don’t care.
Girl #1: I know.
Girl #2: It’s so not like this in America.

–Waikiki, Hawaii

Teen bimbette: So I heard about this new band that just came out. The lead singer is really cute… they’re called The Doors.

–South California

Jersey girl: Why do we have to be all ghetto and start stealing stuff when we have money?

–Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey

Overheard by: alison

Young woman on cell: Okay, well, I’m leaving before he sees the blood.

–Minnetonka Beach, Minnesota

Overheard by: buddy

Girl to two guys: Do you guys have a spare cigarette?
Guy #1: Yeah, here ya go. (gives her a cigarette)
Girl to guy #2: How about you?

–St. Kilda Beach, Melbourne, Australia

Overheard by: lorax

Gangsta kid to girl, on date: You see this spot right here? This is where Forrest Gump…stopped runnin'!
Girl, in disbelief: No way!

–Ocean City Boardwalk, Maryland

Overheard by: Tyler

Dude: Hey, where do you girls go for fun? [They ignore him.] You’re just gonna ignore me? Not a ‘Fuck you’? Nothing? Bitch!
Chick: You kiss your dick with that mouth?

–Montego Bay, Jamaica

Chick: You didn’t bring the towels?!
Dude: Sorry, I forgot! Just lay in the sand!
Chick: I can’t! You know it always gets up inside of me!

–Daytona Beach, Florida

Girl #1: What's Obama's last name?
Girl #2: Umm… Barrack?

–Point Loma, California

Overheard by: Maya

Outraged hippie chick: Someone drew a pentagram in my Zen garden!

–Seal Beach, California