
Little boy wearing rash guard: Mom, that little boy isn't wearing a shirt.
Mom: Mmm-huh.
Little boy: Why doesn't he have to wear a shirt?
Mom: Because his mom doesn't love him, that's why. He'll get skin cancer and die.

–Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts

Bikini girl to friend: Yeah, I'd suck a dick for an iPod touch.

–Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Trailer trash girl: Daddy, should I put this in the toilet or hang it on the wall?
Dad: In the toilet, of course!

–Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Woman to girl: These girls are acting like such dogs!
Girl to woman: Well then, meeeeeaoww, bitch!

–Revere Beach, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Sheena Quintyne

Mother, to little boy refusing to wear swimmies: Fine, I guess you can go drown. Say bye bye to mommy. [Little boy breaks into hysterics.]

–Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Leigh

Girl #1: Yeah, and then I threw a book and it hit her in the throat. I was like, “hi-ya!”
Girl #2: Oh, why didn't you text me afterwards?
Girl #1: I was busy because then I threw one at her stomach. “Hi-ya!” Times four!

–Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Guy: I’ve seen that girl naked more than any other guy at this school, and I’m telling you, man, she has spots all over her vagina.

–West Beach, Beverly Farms, Massachusetts

Dramatic guy to woman at seaside restaurant: DC? Washington, DC, did you ask? DC is a fuckfest!

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

20-Something girl #1: Yeah, I fell asleep. It was a stupid movie! And that guy with the squid on his face, who was he, Medusa?
20-Something girl #2: You mean Davy Jones?
20-Something girl #1: Yeah. And I was like, what about The Monkees?
20-Something girl #2: There weren’t any monkeys.
20-Something girl #1: You’re too young to remember the Sixties. Davy Jones was in the Monkees.
20-Something girl #2: Um, Davy Jones the pirate came first. Haven’t you ever heard of Davy Jones’s locker?
20-Something girl #1: I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

–Craigville Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Young boy, to buxom woman: Are those balls in your bathing suit?

–Reservoir, Arlington, Massachusetts

Overheard by: TC Ledger