
Teen girl on cell: It doesn't have feces in it?

–Malibu, California

Girl #1: It tastes like soap!
Girl #2: Yeah, but not unpleasantly so.

–Adelaide, Australia

Girl #1: Oh wow, you got so many freckles today!
Guy: Why does everyone keep saying that? Do freckles come from the sun or something?
Girl #2: Um… yeah?
Guy: I just kinda thought they showed up. Like sometimes they're here, and sometimes they're not.
Girl #1: Um, no, it's not random. Like, I ate some cheese, so now I'm freckled.
Girl #2: Or, I'm really freckled cuz I'm tired.

–Paradise Beach, Mykonos, Greece

Overheard by: Jules

Spring break girl #1, holding cereal: I think I’ll have this for breakfast.
Spring break girl #2: I’m having alcohol for breakfast.
Spring break girl #1, putting cereal back: Oooh, good idea!

–Panama City Beach, Florida

Overheard by: Lsquared

Walrusy pink tourist mom, juggling McDonald's bags and towels: Are those seagulls following us?
Dancing pink tourist toddler: I want hanka burger and French-ah fries!
(seagulls swoop over them, attacking the bags)
Dancing pink tourist, shrieking: Oh my god! My French-ah fries!

–St. Peterburg Beach, Florida

Overheard by: Sandy Paws

Mom hands little boy a hot dog.

Little boy: Oh, thank you, Lord!
Mother: I am not the Lord!
Little Boy: Well, thanks, Mom.
Mother: I hate you.

–North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Overheard by: Sitting nearby, LOLing.

Woman in large family group, to waitress: What else is in crab meat?

–Seafood House, Ocean City, Maryland

Overheard by: Pass the Old Bay, please.

Cute Jewish on cell, to mother: Are you calling me just to fucking nag? Cuz if you are, I am hanging up. (pause) I don't know, I'm going to do what every Jew does on Christmas, go to the movies and eat Chinese food!

–Virginia Beach, Virginia

Teen boy #1: Yeah, and then there’s the what-do-you-call-its — those Doritos X-13-D or whatever — where you name the flavor.
Teen boy #2: Haha, yeah. They probably just, like, mixed ingredients or something and didn’t know what to call it.
Teen boy #1: All I know is it tasted like Dijon mustard and chicken Ramen noodles.

–Manteo, North Carolina

Overheard by: Sarah J

Amateur marine biologist #1: Why are they called jellyfish?
Amateur marine biologist #2: They taste like jelly. Duh.
Amateur marine biologist #1: Blueberry jelly?
Amateur marine biologist #2: I dunno. Taste it.
Amateur marine biologist #1, moments later: Cherry.

–Chesapeake Bay