
Teen boy #1: Yeah, and then there’s the what-do-you-call-its — those Doritos X-13-D or whatever — where you name the flavor.
Teen boy #2: Haha, yeah. They probably just, like, mixed ingredients or something and didn’t know what to call it.
Teen boy #1: All I know is it tasted like Dijon mustard and chicken Ramen noodles.

–Manteo, North Carolina

Overheard by: Sarah J

Amateur marine biologist #1: Why are they called jellyfish?
Amateur marine biologist #2: They taste like jelly. Duh.
Amateur marine biologist #1: Blueberry jelly?
Amateur marine biologist #2: I dunno. Taste it.
Amateur marine biologist #1, moments later: Cherry.

–Chesapeake Bay

Hot tan girl reading specials board: Does that say tuna and Jews?
Hot pale girl: Um, no. That says “with chips.”

–Crazy Gringo, Weirs Beach, New Hampshire

Drunk guy: If my life is their vacation, then why am I fucking broke, eating raw Ramen noodles for dinner, sleeping on the beach with the seagulls every fucking night?

–West Dennis Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Overheard by: rob

Five-year-old girl looking at dead jellyfish: I wonder what flavor jelly it likes…

–Atlantic City, New Jersey

Overheard by: jared

Concerned granny: You have to get a fruit and a vegetable.
Porky grandson: Candy corn is a vegetable!

–Buffet Restaurant, Tampa, Florida

Overheard by: Sandy Paws

Redneck spring breaker ordering from ceviche stand: Lemme try some of that shave-ice.

–South Beach, Miami, Florida

Overheard by: Bet he didn’t like it

Surfer dude: Dude, you just don’t know how long a foot is until you see it in a hot dog.

–Mission Bay Beach, San Diego, California

Four-year-old boy, winding up long conversation: And so that's why spiders live in your eyeballs. They play in the blood and love to drink dirty water. (pause) Can I have a snack?

–Santa Barbara, California

Woman #1: And I gave him the cheese. Then he said he'd kill me. And he told me exactly how he'd kill me.
Woman #2: That's horrible!

–Miami, Florida

Overheard by: …what?