

Girl with textbook: What’s the capital of the United States?
Boy: Washington, DC?
Girl with textbook: How many eggs to a dozen?
Boy: 12?
Girl with textbook: Where are the Jews?
Boy: Long Island?

–New York

Police officer: You’re under arrest for underage drinking in public.
American teen: But they’re from Canada, officer!
Police officer: Got any marijuana in your purse?

–Sandestin, Florida

Overheard by: proudcanadian

Big burly tattooed Bostonian man: They found 'em in Jersey and Lake Michigan.

–Cape Cod Beach, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Nancy and Andrea

Little boy standing at pier railing, looking at beach: Look, dad! I can see America from here!

–Seal Beach Pier, California

Young dude with skateboard: Yeah, so I love it out here so far. This is my first year here, I just moved from New Hampshire.
Middle aged lady in short gym shorts: Oh, that's nice… Is that in Maine?
Dude: Uh… Well, it's by Maine…(motioning) Here's New Hampshire, here's Maine.
Lady: Oh, so New Hampshire's a state on its own? Oh my gosh, I feel like I should know that!

–Long Beach, California

Overheard by: Vanessa

Teen tourist: Oh my God, there’s a high school over there! Wait, does that mean people actually live here? I thought it was just a tourist place. Weird.


Kid, looking out at the Atlantic ocean: Is that the ocean?
Dad: I think it's one of the great lakes.

–Boardwalk, Atlantic City, New Jersey

German: We’ll see the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and Disneyland. Then on the second day…

–Los Angeles, California

Teenage girl: Aw, look at the little kid. He's digging a hole to nowhere. How cute!
Teenage boy, completely serious: He's digging to China, you stupid bitch!

–Long Beach, California

Overheard by: Marie

Older woman: You don’t remember me, do you?
Young woman: Nope.
Older woman: You lived next door to me when you lived with your aunt in Salem!
Young woman: Salem?
Older woman: Salem, New Hampshire.
Young woman: I don’t have an aunt in Salem.
Older woman: Oh, come on, don’t you remember?
Young woman: I never lived in New Hampshire. I have lived in Maine my whole life.
Older woman, sarcastically: Yeah…Okay.

–Wells Beach, Maine

Overheard by: Vee-licious