Druggie hipster #1 to friend out of earshot: Hey! Hey, you! Hey! Come here!
Druggie hipster #2: Ugh, what’s her name? Come here! Hey!
Black guy passerby: Hey, white bitch!
–Coney Island, New York
Overheard by: Audra
Druggie hipster #1 to friend out of earshot: Hey! Hey, you! Hey! Come here!
Druggie hipster #2: Ugh, what’s her name? Come here! Hey!
Black guy passerby: Hey, white bitch!
–Coney Island, New York
Overheard by: Audra
Girl running along shore: Smoke weed every day!
Black lady on beach blanket: Hallelujah! Come here, baby!
Girl runs to black lady, who stands and hugs her and kisses her.
Black lady: Smoke weed, God bless you!
–Seaside Heights, New Jersey
Overheard by: t-money
Black kid: Damn, I lost my pants.
Mom: Word?
–Belmar, New Jersey
Ghetto girl: …And so I broke up with him because he kept getting robbed. He had all these shady friends, ya know? It was like we’d wake up and the television and the shower curtain would be gone.
–Misquamicut Beach, Rhode Island
Drunk white guy: Girl, I love you. You remind me of my friends from Philly!
Sober black girl: Why? Cause I'm black?
Drunk white guy: Yes. (pause) I felt you deserved an honest answer!
–Port Hueneme, California
Overheard by: honesty is the best policy
White girl to black friend: Why do black people wear colored skinny jeans?
Black girl: So when it's dark you can see them.
–Tampa, Florida
Black guy to friends: Now I can officially say I am the darkest nigga on the beach.
–Carkeek Park, Seattle, Washington
Overheard by: Onion girl
Old black lady finishes pooping and flushes: Oh, thank you, Jesus! [Hums gospel tune.]
–Miami Beach, Florida
Overheard by: Lauren
Black guy to puking white guy: Yup, I know what that's like. I do that every morning, brother!
–Long Beach, Long Island, New York
White muscle head to black muscle head friend: Hey, bro! You got tan! How’d you do that?
–Robert Moses State Park, Long Island, New York
Overheard by: Cara