North Carolina

Father: No, you can’t go in there. There’s a bar, and it’s over 21.

Little boy standing in front of café stares at father.

Father: Quick, get away from the door before you set off the alarm!

–Duck, Outer Banks, North Carolina

20-something woman #1: She was bitching about how there was nothing to eat in the house, and so Bob* said, “you could go to the store,” and she said, “I don't go to the store on my vacation. There are two things I don't do on vacation: go to the store and cook.”
20-something woman #2: What is she even on vacation from? Sitting on her ass?

–Holden Beach, North Carolina

Cute guy, about credit card: Yeah, sorry it’s bent. I jumped off the bridge.
Clerk girl: You jumped off the bridge, huh? Yeah, it’s better if you do it naked.

–7-Eleven, Manteo, North Carolina

Lady exiting 7-Eleven: Honey, they don’t have any flamethrowers in there!

–Nags Head, North Carolina

Overheard by: matthew

Lady: I am completely at peace with my salad.

–Manteo, North Carolina

Overheard by: Sarah J

Girl: If I use cooking oil, do you think I’ll tan twice as fast?
Boy: No, but you’ll probably smell like bacon.

–Corolla, Outer Banks, North Carolina

Overheard by: Mandy

Chubby, bald man to female friends: They should really put mirrors on the beach, facing out towards the water, so you can watch yourself in the ocean… No, not mirrors, JumboTrons! I would love to watch myself on a giant tv while I swim!

–Kure Beach, North Carolina

Little boy, standing in water: I CHALLENGE YOU, POSEIDON!

–Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Mom to little boy: You do not pee on somebody unless they ask you to!

–Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina

Overheard by: mad-the-hatter

Senior week girl: Why can’t we bring beer bottles on the beach?!
Senior week guy: Seriously… Isn’t sand made of glass anyway?

–Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina

Overheard by: Kim Beegle