Dumb girl talking to small group of friends: Only famous people use Twitter.
–Coney Island, New York
Overheard by: Janelle
Dumb girl talking to small group of friends: Only famous people use Twitter.
–Coney Island, New York
Overheard by: Janelle
58-year-old woman: I executed 23 successful ops in my Utopia game last night.
–Holden Beach, North Carolina
Guy #1: Hey, man! What’s up?
Guy #2: You don’t return my calls…
Guy #1: I don’t return your Facebook messages.
–Woodbine Beach, Toronto, Ontario, Canadia
Overheard by: Kaley
Teenage boy #1: Yeah, Verizon is supposed to get a 4G network sometime soon.
Teenage boy #2: Do you even know what 4G means?
Teenage boy #1: 4 dimensions! Duh!
–Granite Bay, California
Overheard by: AB
Old woman #1: So did you get that dirty book I was talking about?
Old woman #2: No, I couldn't find it. They don't sell them at Barnes and Noble. I have to look on Amazon.
Old woman #1: The one I read is really graphic. This girl is this room, watching two people doing it.
Old woman #2: Yeah, I'm saving some of them to read on the plane ride.
–Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Overheard by: caySAYhey
Hoochie to friends: Okay, girls, our goal for this weekend is to not end up on the Internet again.
–South Beach, Miami, Florida
Overheard by: Ladle
Teenage gangsta on cell: Naw man, she's not gonna mess with me. I have her MySpace password. Her MySpace password!
–San Diego, California
College student to friend: I watch less porn when I have a girlfriend…I don’t know why.
–Daytona Beach, Florida