
Tourist guy: I hate these tourists! They think they’re so cool, just coming down for the weekend in their little homes, fucking up the traffic and making parking difficult. Go home!
Local teen: Your license plate says you’re from Pennsylvania.
Tourist guy: I rent for the summer. I guess I’m kinda like you, in a sense.
Local teen: Bitch, please.

–Bethany Beach, Delaware

Overheard by: beach native

Girl #1: So, I want to move somewhere cool and foreign.
Girl #2: Yeah, that would be great. Where?
Girl #1: I dunno, somewhere like San Francisco or Australia.
Girl #2: That would be so cool.

–Mission Bay, San Diego, California

Girl: Hm. Which way should we sit? Where’s the sun?
Guy: Yeah. See, that’s what’s wrong with East Coast beaches. The sun ends up, like, behind you.

–Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Overheard by: kev

Teen girl #1: Was he gay?
Teen girl #2: No, he was Mexican.

–Lavallette, New Jersey

Sister: Would you like to see some sea life?
Brother, pointing at three women sunbathing topless: Eww, this isn’t Europe!
Sister: Eli, just look away.

–Rockway Beach, NY

Girl: What kind of fish is this?
Waitress: Alaskan cod.
Girl: Do ya’ll catch that around here?
Waitress: Uh, no. [pointing] That’s the Gulf of Mexico.

–Seafood restaurant, Galveston Island, Texas

Chick: So, you live in the city? Wow, where do you live, downtown?
Thug kid: Yeah, downtown… Well, not exactly downtown. Harlem.

–Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey

Overheard by: alison

Chick #1: So, where are you going for your trip?
Chick #2: Thailand!
Chick #1: Cool! I worked with a guy from Korea once!
Chick #2: Ummm, yeah, that’s not the same, really.
Chick #1: It’s not? Oh… Things must be different now than from when he lived there.

–Pacific Beach, San Diego, California

Overheard by: American Goods

Tourist: So where you from?
Hot girl: Uh, here. Where’d you think I was from?
Tourist: I dunno. It’s just that here, people are always like “Ooh, I’m from Venezuela” and I’m just like, dude, what the fuck is Venezuela?

–Miami Beach, Florida

Old hairy guy: Welcome to the Pacific Ocean!
Dumb blonde: Huh? The ocean? I thought you said we were going to the beach!

–Beverly Beach, Oregon

Overheard by: please tell me she’s kidding