About celebrities

Cyclist to another: I ran into Jerry Seinfeld and I said, “Jerry, you sold out.”

–Bike Path, Santa Monica, California

Band kid to another: It was both gay and funny, like Jesus and Fergie combined.

–Palm Coast, Florida

Overheard by: Dahbuke

Band kid to another: It was both gay and funny, like Jesus and Fergie combined.

–Palm Coast, Florida

Overheard by: Dahbuke

Guy: Fuckin' Wonka?
Girl, watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: Yeah man, the orig.

–Dundas, Canadia

Beach girl in group of people: Wait! Ellen DeGeneres is gay?! Since when?

–Long Beach, California

Overheard by: Colleen

College chick on cell: I’m like, ‘Why do I have to have dreams about us breaking up? Why can’t I have dreams like I used to… Like when I was fucking Bob Saget?’

–Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Overheard by: Ava

20-something girl: I can't believe I let my career go. I could have been the new Paris Hilton, but like Spanish. Caliente!

–Lincoln Woods State Park, Rhode Island

Teen #1: Is he white?
Teen #2: Yes.
Teen #1: …Wait, does that count Michael Jackson?

–Long Beach Island, New Jersey

Teenage girl: Rosie O'Donnell has multiple personality disorder.
Friend: I thought she was a lesbian.

–Starbucks, La Jolla, California

Overheard by: …Which are mutually exclusive.

Little boy's brother: Why are you screaming?
Little boy: Because I'm Hillary Clinton!

–Drift Inn Beach, Port Clyde, Maine

Overheard by: Sara