20-Something daughter: Dad! Hurry up and take the picture; mom’s pressing her boobs into my back!
Mom: I’m sorry! You suckled from these boobs, you know.
20-Something daughter: Well, clearly I quit for a reason.
Dad: Yeah. Because you were too tired of fighting me for them.
–Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Overheard by: Kate
Sorority girl: He’s fucking GAY! How the fuck am I supposed to fuck a fucking gay guy?!
–Galveston, Texas
- Posted on
- Default, Gripes, Homosexuality, Questions, Sorority girls, Texas
Jersey girl: Why do we have to be all ghetto and start stealing stuff when we have money?
–Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey
Overheard by: alison
Chick #1: My dog won’t eat its food unless we mix cottage cheese in it.
Chick #2: Ew, cottage cheese is disgusting.
Chick #1: Yeah, I hear it looks like a yeast infection.
–Hilton Head, South Carolina
- Posted on
- Food, Friends, South Carolina
Mom: I don’t think we can stay at this hotel the whole time.
Daughter: Why? What’s wrong? It’s not that bad…
Mom: No, there’s just so many Mexicans at the pool.
Daughter: We’re in Mexico, mother!
–Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Young woman on cell: Okay, well, I’m leaving before he sees the blood.
–Minnetonka Beach, Minnesota
Overheard by: buddy
- Posted on
- Girls, Health & Hygiene, Minnesota, On the phone, Time
Teenage girl in expensive yoga pants to meek mother: Move to France? Why the hell would I move to France? That's the dumbest thing I've heard you say in, like, forever. Stop trying to live your, like, stupid dreams and stuff through me!
–Coffee Shop in the Beach, Toronto, Canadia
- Posted on
- Canadia, Compare and contrast, Insults, Moms, Psychology, Questions, Teens
Buff dude: Hey, sexy ladies, what’s up?
Girl #1: Not much, just out with my friend and our cat.
Buff dude: You have a cat on the beach?
Girl #2: Of course! People can bring their dogs, can’t they?
Buff dude: Hey, can I pet your pussy?
–St. Petersburg Beach, Florida
Buff dude: Hey, sexy ladies, what’s up?
Girl #1: Not much, just out with my friend and our cat.
Buff dude: You have a cat on the beach?
Girl #2: Of course! People can bring their dogs, can’t they?
Buff dude: Hey, can I pet your pussy?
–St. Petersburg Beach, Florida
Mom: Honey, what are you doing?
Daughter: Going under the umbrella, because I don’t want my butt to get parched.
–Jones Beach, New York
Overheard by: Kara