Chick: So, what’s there to do for fun around here?
Lifeguard: I dont know, I’m Canadian.
–North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Overheard by: NSBS Geo
Chick: So, what’s there to do for fun around here?
Lifeguard: I dont know, I’m Canadian.
–North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Overheard by: NSBS Geo
Woman: Can I rent a beach chair?
Lifeguard (just off duty on the last day of the season): Fuck you, dumb cunt.
–Panama City Beach, Florida
Lifeguard to wading mother: That girl is too small. She can't be out that far. She has to be within arm's length.
Mother: How far is arm's length?
–Jericho Beach, Vancouver, Canadia
Overheard by: hefferlump